Clear Poly Peel 6ml

Price: 30,00 €

Soodushind on 27€


The lightening Polypeeling is formulated to create a synergy between the mixed acids that creating interconnection one to another property in a network of multi-functional work. The exfoliating and hydrating activities of glycolic acid and lactic acid are associated with lightening and skin depigmenting actions of malic acid and kojic acid which, on the one hand leads to reduce adhesion between the corneocytes favoring cell detachment and the rapid removal of the pigmented surface layer, on the other hand it blocks the enzymatic activity of tyrosinase, that furthermore prevent skin darkening and formation of spots. The bleaching action is assisted by azelaic acid, salicylic acid and cinnamic acid, that have combination of keratolytic action, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic action, therefore they are often used in the treatment of impure skin and acne, even on active phase. Finally, mandelic acid, that works on the most superficial layers of the skin is well tolerated and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, causing a gradual acceleration of normal cell turnover. This set of molecules therefore creates a functional gradient starting from the deeper skin layers to that more superficial , and thanks to its whitening, moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating activities, with the end results of the skin turn brighter, smoother and  more uniform.

Glycolic acid 30%: moisturizing and exfoliating activity
Kojic acid 5%: depigmenting activity by blocking the tyrosinase ensyme
Salicylic acid 15%: keratolytic and antibacterial activity
Azelaic acid 15%: keratolytic activity, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
Mandelic acid 30%: stimulates the production of collagen and elastin by acceletating cell turnover
Cinnamic acid 5%: antiseptic and regenerating
Malic acid 5%: keratolytic activity and lightening
Lactic acid 10%: epidermolytic and antiseptic activity


  • reduction of the stratum corneum
  • increased district circulation
  • enhanced nutritive provision
  • decrease of skin greasiness
  • stimulation of dermal  depressed fibroblasts
  • production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin
  • enhancement of cell turnover
  • “antiaging” and brightening activities